내 영어 코칭방법학습 평가서 활용


꼼꼼한 피드백학습평가서

피드백이 확실해야 진짜 수업!
학습 평가서 활용하기
백 마디를 해도 잘못된 점을 고칠 기회가 없다면 진짜 1:1 화상수업이라고 할 수 있을까요? 맘스는 학습평가서를 통해 나의 장단점을 꼼꼼히 피드백합니다!
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    맘스플래닛 일일평가서

    1. 문장 오류 수정
    Sentence Mistakes : 이미지3
    2. 단어의 발음 오류 교정
    Pronunciation Mistakes : 이미지4
    3. 새로운 단어 학습
    Pronunciation Mistakes : 이미지5
    4.오늘 수업에 대한 선생님 총평
    Comments : It’s good thing that the student was trying to be a teacher for a while bacause it made him more conversant using the English language. It was evident that he’s now trying to construct longer sentences and it is a good thing for his improvement. On the other hands, the teacher and student need to practice her sentence construction because there were some instances when it was challenging for him to construct grammatically correct sentences. He need to be familiar with the proper usage of modals. He also needs to make himself.
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    맘스플래닛 월말평가서

    1. 학습 교재 정보
    Information of learning materials:
    Oxford Discover 1 - Speaking
    2. 한 달 간 배운 학습 내용
    Covered Leassons / Areas to Improve:
    He was able to respond to the questions intelligently and incorporate the new terms into his sentences, demonstrating that he had a great understanding of each. His comprehension and communication abilities improved, and it was clear that he was starting to feel comfortable speaking the language. He is advised to practice more in his spare time, especially when creating sentences for further improvement.
    3. 다음 달 배울 학습 내용
    Objective for the Next Month:
    We will continue to work on how he responds to the questions the following month. He will be accustomed to the usage of tenses and sentence structure. New terminologies will be introduced to aid in his vocabulary expansion. He can rest assured that guidance will be available at all times.
    4. 오늘 수업에 대한 선생님 총평
    Jacob continued to be an eager and interactive student as he was last month, and I commend him for that. He showed a positive attitude towards corrctions and suggestions and made sure that ge would utilize them in his sentences. I anticipate his further improvement in creating sentences and comprehension. Next Topic: Oxford Discover 1 Unit 5 Next page :54/pond


강점은 다듬고약점은 보강하고

정확한 피드백으로
내 학습 방향을 정해보세요.
피드백을 받았다면 이제 학습 방향을 정해야겠죠? 내가 어떤 분야에 강점이 있는지, 부족한 점은 어떻게 메꾸면 좋을지 전략적으로 보강하여 더욱 효율적으로 학습할 수 있습니다.
이미지5리스닝이 부족하다면
많이 듣는 것이 답! 선생님과의 수업으로 꾸준히 듣는 연습을 해요.
이미지6스피킹이 자신 없다면
수업에서 선생님과 신나게 이야기해보세요. 시작은 정겨운 인사부터!
이미지7단어가 생각 안 난다면
선생님이 가르쳐 주신 실생활에 자주 쓰이는 쉬운 단어부터 외워요.

맘스플래닛 학습매니저와 언제든지 상담하세요.
학생에게 꼭 맞춘 최적의 학습법을 찾아드립니다.

어떻게 공부해야 할지 모르겠다면?
맘스플래닛 학습매니저에게 1:1문의를 남겨주세요. 학생의 영어 수준에 대한 꼼꼼하고 정확한 평가를 통해 최적의 학습 방법을 제안해드리겠습니다.