
040 의견 제시

Did you make a reservation? 예약하셨나요? Yes, I did. 네.   ======================================================================================== Do you have a reservation? 예약하셨나요? No I didn't. 아니요. ======================================================================================== What should I say? 뭐라고 이야기할까요? Tell him to wait a minute.  잠시 기다려 달라고 하세요. ======================================================================================== Are you following me? 이해되요? I'm not following you. Could you put it more simply?  이해가 안 돼요. 좀 더 쉽게 말씀해 주실 수 있나요? ======================================================================================== Do you understand that? 이해되요? I want to definite answer. 구체적으로 답해 주세요.  ======================================================================================== You got it? 이해되요? Could you be more specific? 좀 더 구체적일 수 없나요? ======================================================================================== Are you with me? 이해되요? Could you tell me more concretely? 좀 더 구체적일 수 없나요? ======================================================================================== Do you understand me? 이해되요? Could you explain that in different words? 다른 말로 설명해주실 수 있나요? ======================================================================================== What did you say? 뭐라고 하셨죠? I said this is the front of City Hall. 여기가 시청 앞이라고 말했어요.


041 숫자